Core Courses

Economics of Sea Transport and International Trade
Economics of Sea Transport and International Trade details contractual and commercial essentials that are specific to the maritime industry and covers balance of payments and currency exchange rates. It provides an overview of the economic and commercial issues involved in the chartering, ownership and management of oceangoing ships. It describes canals and ports and economies of scale in ship sizes.

Legal Principles in Shipping Business
Legal Principles in Shipping Business describes the way that shipping law affects how the industry conducts itself. This book describes in detail how this aspect of the industry works.
It explains the nuts and bolts of charter parties and different types of shipping documentation such as bills of lading and waybills. It describes the principles and the essential ingredients of contract law.

Shipping Business
There are hundreds of roles in the shipping industry and they all fit into the whole like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. This book will help bring the picture into focus.
Shipping Business describes how business entities are structured, how they work, how they communicate and how they handle the legal and ethical constraints imposed upon them. The book examines the ships themselves and the disciplines of chartering, sale and purchase, ship management, port agency and liner trades. Seaborne trade is analysed as well as the ship types that are deployed in the various trades. International trade practice and finance in international trade are discussed. Moreover, an overview of the main shipping organisations is provided.